
Graphic Recording:
Graphic Recording is large-scale scribing while listening — synthesizing and mapping information. Documenting events as they happen. The content is reflected using text, images and colour.  Groups watch as themes and patterns emerge.   These sessions may be for organizational or community visioning, key-note addresses, conferences, educational events, etc. When the event is over, the images are either photographed or scanned, digitized and provided for your use online, in videos, brochures, screen savers, for social media, e-mailed out or hung on display to serve as a reminder or motivation.

Graphic Recording is great for:

  • Keeping the conversation focused
  • It’s inclusive and an immediate way of communicating with groups of any size
  • Encouraging people to be involved in the discussion and opening minds to be ready to brainstorm
  • Documenting people’s valuable points of view and catching up any late comers
  • Seeing the parts and the whole simultaneously
  • Mirroring the content and the group process of how ideas take shape, so that good ideas are not lost
  • Identifying key points and themes, then summarizing in real time by weaving together diverse perspectives into a composite “picture” that reflects the conversations or presentations in the room

Graphic Facilitation joins the benefits of recording with the advantage of an impartial facilitator concerned with group process and keeping people on track. It illuminates connections, encourages contribution, learning and innovation by participants in a meaningful, collaborative way. It helps attendees visualize problems and see solutions. Groups create visual maps and can address complex issues or planning.

Tanya has been doing both Graphic Recording and Graphic Facilitation since 2008. She is a Board Member of the International Forum of Visual Practitioners and has delivered their signature training numerous times. Tanya was originally trained at McGill University by Jack Pearpoint on these techniques in 1993. Tanya custom designs templates or utilizes tested templates to help frame the work.

Examples in which Graphic Recording and/or Graphic Facilitation are used:

  • strategic planning                  trainings
  • new and complex topics       workshops
  • idea generation                       focus groups
  • brainstorming                         mediation
  • analysis                                     evaluation
  • service mapping                      patient or customer journeys

Facilitation services: Customized and template-grounded group process facilitation for:

  • Meetings or Events: Network, Organizational or Annual General Meetings;
  • Community Engagement sessions & Community Based Research: Community Consultations; Community Development or service development planning; Committee or Network planning or evaluation sessions,
  • Focus Groups: Key Informants provide insights and contribution toward planning or evaluation.
  • Organizational Development initiatives: helping small to mid-sized organizations achieve their mandate by facilitating opportunities for them to think, review their strengths and opportunities and build capacity.  Participative and collaborative processes are designed that respect cultural diversity and anti-oppression values.

Facilitation includes co-designing agendas, exercises and processes to match your desired outcomes.  Facilitation may be coupled with Graphic Recording or Graphic Facilitation, as appropriate.

Strategic Planning:

  • Custom designed process that matches the organization’s scope and resources… we can work within your budget!
  • Perform Functions of the process including but not limited to: coaching Chair of Planning Committee; internal and external environmental scans; identification/confirmation of core values and mission statement; trend discoveries; literature reviews; opportunity scans; full stakeholder engagement for input (retreats, focus groups, on-line & paper surveys etc.); visioning and prioritizing strategic directions, goals and milestones.
  • Implementation Support support the creation of a corresponding Operational Plan including desired milestones.

Team Building:   Customized team engagement processes, commonly achieved through reflection on what works/doesn’t, re-establishing common values and co-developing strong practices to help operationalize the team’s commitments.  In addition to group process facilitation, this may also involve some interpersonal mediation and management coaching or communications and/or anti-oppression training.